
ABTF was the last game in the series to be available for PC and Mac. It came in a dual CD with both versions. The game was also localized to at least two countries, France and Germany. Localized means that everything in the game was translated.

Close Combat : Un Pont Trop Loin was the French version.

Close Combat: Die Brücke von Arnheim was the German version.

These screenshots are of low quality and where taken from this video. If you have better quality screenshots of this game, please contact me.

There are also two Japanese versions of the game, although I don't know much about them.
The first one is simply the usual cover with some Japanese letters.

The other version is more interesting. This appears to be a digital version of the game distributed by DigiCube PC.


Other versions of the game include the Smart Saver Edition and the Softkey Edition. The Smart Saver Edition is a cheap Jewel Case edition with a different cover, no box and no printed manual. The Softkey edition looks like the same as the Smart Saver but I don't have much information.

Smart Saver Edition
Softkey #1
Softkey #2

Finally something I have never seen, this article was sold by the user five_miles_from_earth in ebay. It's a Close Combat II game with different CD artwork. An unknown version to me, maybe a bootleg.

If you have any information regarding the game versions, please contact me at: